Attention Cross and the House Republicans
UPDATE: I lied. Well, not exactly or intentionally in any event, but some strong accusations made below are totally without merit. Bryan Hartman in NOT a state employee and Suite 204 and 205 are NOT the same office. Read the above post for apologies and more info. I'm sorry for being inaccurate and I don't think I lied, but that's your call.)
Apparently you and your state employee in the middle of a work day potentially doing campaign work on state time AGAIN, Bryan Hartman, didn't get our messages. Jack Ryan's campaign heard the message as did the Illinois Republican Party. You should read this paying very close attention to the last paragraph.
Tom Cross and House Republicans, you've already demonstrated you will sell your soul to the devil to get Bush on the ballot, so putting up with winning a few races 85% to 15% instead of 100% to 0 shouldn't be that difficult for you. Certainly less painful than when you agreed to forgive more than $1 million in campaign fines against Illinois Democrats in exchange for putting Bush on the ballot last November. Why did you vote for that anyway? And the Libertarian candidates you are gearing up to throw off the ballot, would be on the ballot in at least 42 other states that don't have Fidel Castro-like election laws, which you support contrary to your oath of office. Our candidates did more than Bush needed to do, but didn't, to get on the ballot. As long as it's your guy not following the rule of law you wrote, it's alright, but if someone else doesn't turn in the 25,000 times more signatures to be on the ballot, then suddenly you want them to be held to the letter of the law. You'll even let Democrats get away with removing fines when they didn't follow their own rules. Subverting voter choice on the ballots simply isn't worth it this time. Trust me. I've never lied to you.
Hey Archpundit. Cross and the boys may need a little help with this. They should also tell Bryan Hartman he's suppose to use his real address, not the office address for Tom Cross. A little birdy is also telling me that they really shouldn't be using Cross' taxpayer funded district office to sift through petitions. So much for protecting ethics by stearing clear of things that appear unethical let alone that are just more "business as usual". Cross needs to remember what Lee Daniels did that allowed him to take Daniels' job. I doubt Illinois Republicans will ever learn. We'll see. They're probably scrambling to say Bryan Hartman had the day off yesterday as you read this.
From Tom Cross
Republicans will not tolerate business as usual.
Conflicts of interest must be avoided, and disclosed when they exist. Campaign activity must be separated from the provisions of public business and service.
Yep, that's about it when it comes to credibility and trust concerning government ethics. Cross is about to prove he's just one more "business as usual" Springfield, power-hungry, bi-partisan machine, corruption apologist bureaucrat. Did I say that out loud? I smell a statewide press release coming Tuesday. And to think we could have been friends with the Cross crew. It's salvagable.